Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Pets of Team Liquid

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Bonnie Qu
Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
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Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
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Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Pets of Team Liquid

Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
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Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
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Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Pets of Team Liquid

Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
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Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
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Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
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As we all know, an esports organization is only as good as the folks working hard behind the scenes to keep the wheels turning. That's why Team Liquid is dedicated to showcasing the unseen figures who don't get enough attention - or perhaps get too much attention, depending on who you're asking.

Previously we published Cats of Team Liquid, a trading card deck specifically created to celebrate the beloved felines that make Team Liquid the org that it is. This time, we're expanding that purview to include pets of all kinds, including dogs, rats, and even a horse (which everyone knows is the most majestic animal of all.)

We appreciate our pets and everything they do for us and the org. Check out this all-new deck, which will be available to purchase very soon! (Again, this is not true. But it's fun to pretend.)

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Thanks for reading!

We hope you appreciate the pets of Team Liquid as much as we do - and we'd love to hear about your pets too! Here are some points, though you won't be able to use them to purchase the deck.
Wonder which cards I'll pull this time...

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