Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Liquid Community Spotlight: IceAgeFighter

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Written by:
Olivia Richman
Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
Edited by:
Bonnie Qu
Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Liquid Community Spotlight: IceAgeFighter

Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
Written by:
Olivia Richman
Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
Edited by:
Bonnie Qu
Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
Graphic design by:
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Liquid Community Spotlight: IceAgeFighter

Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
Written by:
Olivia Richman
Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
Edited by:
Bonnie Qu
Team Liquid Crest Logo Light Version
Graphic design by:

If you haven’t had the pleasure of joining Team Liquid’s Discord server yet, here’s a primer: it’s a place where our most enthusiastic fans come together to talk matches and talk smack. We’re endlessly proud of the community we’ve fostered there, especially considering esports as an industry mostly lives online. But we also prioritize finding ways to connect with our community in person, too, through things like fan activations, tailgates, watch parties, and tournaments. One of our biggest VALORANT fans, known as IceAgeFighter in-game and on Discord, is a fan who experienced one of these in person events — and got some W’s while doing it. 

IceAgeFighter is a VALORANT grinder, a LEGO collector, an IT student, and — most importantly — a Team Liquid fan. We talked to IceAgeFighter to find out why he’s such a dedicated member of the Cavalry, and to learn about the importance of having a space to hang out with other esports fans, whether it’s through Discord or IRL meetups. 

What got you started with following Team Liquid? 

I first got into Liquid casually in the Fortnite days when they signed 72hrs, Vivid, and Poach. Later on they had Mitr0, a Dutch player. I’m also Dutch so that was cool to me. 

Then I got into VALORANT and was into the competitive side. I started watching AverageJonas, who got signed to Liquid. I needed a team to cheer for, which naturally became Liquid. From there on out, I stuck with it. 

Why did you stick it out? 

The team — I like the people on the team. Also, the values that Team Liquid stands for. I was in the Discord and it’s a very chill, non toxic place to chat with other people. 

How long have you been in the Discord?

A few years. 

What have you liked about being in the Discord these past years? 

I like talking with other people, other fans. Everyone is respectful to each other. Overall, it’s just nice to talk about the game — even [during] off season or after a game’s over. 

Why is it important for esports fans to have these communities?  

I like to draw the comparison to football clubs. If you're a fan of a football club, you’ll sometimes watch the games with friends — maybe go to a cafe to watch a game. But with esports being online and international, it’s harder to do. You kind of want a central place online somewhere where you can watch it with people together. 

Are your IRL friends into esports at all? 

I’m usually the one inviting other people to watch with me. They’re like, “sure, I’ll watch.” 

I feel like it’s good to have people online to watch esports with who are more into it and better understand it. 

It’s fine watching it with IRL friends, but [with] online fans you can geek out about stuff, whether it’s a certain round or a certain strat being used. They’re way more involved with memes and stuff. I can make references that my friends will not get. It’s just more fun. 

Are there any memes or interactions that have stood out to you on the Discord? 

There was an argument about a player called G2 Trent between two people on the Discord. One guy was saying he should go back to his main because he was performing poorly while using a different agent. He eventually did swap back to his main and started doing very well. Then a few days ago, the same two guys started arguing again about how Trent should stick to Sova, his bread and butter. It’s so funny they have this argument every three months basically, the same people.  

Do you agree that Trent should stick to Sova?

No, I think people should play what the team needs or what can be played. Playing one agent is too one dimensional. It’s always good to play other agents. You’ll also understand better how they work too. 

It sounds like you definitely play VALORANT. 

I do, way too much. 

How long have you played VALORANT? 

Since the beta. I started as Iron 1, I believe — the worst of the worst. I peaked at Ascendant 3. Then school started to pick up and I didn't have as much time. I just played casually with friends. I’m trying again and I’m Diamond 3. I’m hoping to make it to Ascendant 1-2 by the end of summer break again. 

What do you like about playing VALORANT?

Everything. I really like working together with the team. The hype moments you get, clutch moments. But most of all, it’s the problem solving in-game. We’re going here, we're getting stopped by this and this, how do we tackle this issue? How do we win the round? 

Who do you main? 

Sova. I was inspired by AverageJonas — I’m a huge fan of his. I like the scan and really like outsmarting people. He got me hooked and I never stopped maining Sova. 

This explains your passion for the Trent argument. 

I was more so watching because I don’t like arguing with people.  But it’s funny the same guy showed up to the same discussion again with the same people. 

I heard you’re a Swiftplay LAN winner. What was that?

During last season franchising, Team Liquid organized an event in the Netherlands. I had to go being such a big fan. I felt I had to go. In these tournaments, it was watching the game, and then during [the] second game of the day there would be a swiftplay LAN. There was a small gaming center next to where we were watching the game. With those switfplay tournaments, you form teams with people there. The winner would get some TL merch. 

How do you feel about winning?

It was pretty cool. I got some lovely free merch. 

How do you feel about TL having these kind of in-person events? 

I love it. This year we didn't do them and I miss them. It was pretty awesome to do. 

To be honest, it was stressful to get to. I’d finish school, get to the place, watch the game, play the game, then I’d sleep overnight with a friend who lived nearby. I traveled two hours to be at the event and then two hours back. 

It’s something where esports fans of the team can nerd and geek out together. It’s so specific. 50% of people like football and [you] can find them all around. Esports fans aren’t everywhere. So it’s important to have meetups so you don’t have to go around asking others if they like it and never finding anyone. 

What is it about esports you love so much?

It’s the smaller things, like learning a bit more about how to play your own agent. I also really like watching Sliggy’s watch parties. He used to coach Liquid. He’s a really smart person about the game. What he does in the stream is break down the rounds and makes it easy for me to learn about these things and apply them to my own games. 

What do you have to say about anyone who wants to get more involved with esports? 

Stick with a team. There’s a lot of people that start liking a team because they're winning. But no team can stay winning. Find a reason — a team you don’t like just because they're winning. You like them for another reason, like the community. If you’re only there for winning, they can’t keep that up forever. 

What do you do for fun? 

When I’m not watching or playing VALORANT, I usually play other games or I’m at school doing my school stuff. I’m studying IT and I love it. It’s always been what I’ve wanted to do. It's really cool being in a class with like minded folks. 

I play Star Wars games because I love watching Star Wars. And my other big hobby [is] I love LEGOs. I love building them and collecting them. And looking at the new ones I cannot afford. But I still like to look at them.

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Though currently a copywriter at Team Liquid, in another life, Bonnie was an esports writer who wrote a lot about Overwatch.

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